Two Parables of the Twin Truths of Unconditional Election and Irresistible Grace
A Personal Parable
So I’ve started seminary. It’s been a wonderful first week. The demand that is placed upon you can be a bit overwhelming, and it can be a challenge to keep all the requirements and assignments and due dates straight in your mind. One thing that one of the much admired professors suggested we do to aid in our organization is to go through all our syllabi before the start of classes, write down every assignment – down to each individual reading assignment – note the due date, and mark assignments off as we complete them. It sounded like a helpful tool, and so I took his advice.
Now, I’m sure it will help. In fact, I’ve already experienced some of the benefit of having done such a thing. But one effect that seeing all my assignments for the next 15 weeks has on me is a feeling of being a bit overwhelmed. “I’ve got to do all of that??? By when???”
As I was thinking of such things I remembered an email exchange I had had in the last couple of months with our beloved admissions director, Ray Mehringer.
A bit of context for that exchange. You see, The Master’s Seminary has quite a rigorous curriculum when its attempted to be completed in three years. This is the “normal” course of study, but the majority of men take at least an additional year to finish. But since Janna and I have no children at the present time, and since it’s likely that we can survive financially on her salary as a nurse, we’ve decided that the best course of action is for me to not prolong this time during which the Biblical roles of family provision are reversed. So, simply put, I want the three-year plan.
And so I registered for courses according to the seminary’s three-year plan, making my first semester a whopping 7-class, 16.5-credit semester. Sure, that’s a lot. But that’s what I’m here to do, isn’t it? God has called me to this time of intense study. I should expect such things.
Well, what I didn’t expect was an email from Mr. Mehringer telling me what courses I would take, with one course noticeably absent from the list I submitted. I checked the catalog and noticed that my first semester looked identical to the… gasp!... four-year plan!
“How dare he!” I thought. “Didn’t he read my transcripts? Wasn’t he made aware of the diligent student I am? Maybe he doesn’t know that I have no children and don’t plan on working. Whatever it is, something must be wrong.” Pride is ugly, friends. Ugly. Seriously, praise be to God for His mercy, and to Christ for being so acceptable a sacrifice for such corrupt thinking.
So, nothing I could do. Against my will, I realized that I was going to be taking 13.5 credits, not 16.5.
But friends, it is not true that for God’s love to be virtuous and genuine that it must not violate our will. In fact, it is not as loving as it could be unless it violates our will.
That’s illustrated by my story. Ray would not have been loving me to "respect" my free will and allow me to have a larger course load than I could have handled. It would have been decidedly unloving to know better and do nothing to prevent me from the harm that I would bring upon myself and my family because of the demand of an overstuffed schedule.
So what happens at this point in the story? The angels didn’t violate his free will because that would be ungentlemanly of them? They respected his free will because, after all, this is a godly virtue and because human free will is the greatest gift given to us and regarded by God? They let
Emphatically: NO! That’s not at all what the text says!
What does it say?
So the men seized his hand and the hand of his wife and the hands of his two daughters… and they brought him out, and put him outside the city.
And why does God’s Word say that they did that? What’s the reason?
…for the compassion of the LORD was upon him.
The angels violated the will of
Ray Mehringer’s violating my will was an act of love.
And thanks be to God, dear friends, that while we were enemies of God (Rom 5:10), while we were God-haters (Rom 5:6), while we were hostile to God (Rom 8:7), while we loved our ignorance and were happy to remain dead in our sins (Eph 2:1), He overcame our suicidal, enslaved wills, seized us by the hand, and delivered us from the fiery destruction for which we were headed (Eph 2:4-5; John 1:12-13; James 1:18).
But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved).
- Ephesians 2:4-5 -
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